
Below gives you an idea of the types of tennis activities the CCTP has on offer
Browse our services below
Browse our services below
LTA Youth Starter Classes
LTA Youth Starter Classes
These sessions a player signs up online and in addition to 6 weeks coaching they get a racket, balls & a t-shirt to keep!!
We currently have 1 sessions available:
- Book via https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/Youth

Play more - Pay less - Join CCTP
Play more - Pay less - Join CCTP
LTA Youth & Junior Classes
LTA Youth & Junior Classes
We have a excellent range of coaching sessions for all players from 3yrs-adult level. Please see CCTP coaching page for full details.
We also have an amazing junior club time for members aged 7yrs-15yrs on a Saturday 10am-11.30am for CCTP members to enjoy fun games, supervised matches and light coaching.
Adult Classes
Adult Classes
We have 2 adult coaching sessions currently:
- Tuesdays 8pm-9pm - Adult Beginners & hit session
- Wednesdays 7.45-9pm - Adult Improvers
- Sundays 10am-12noon - CCTP Adult members club time.
CCTP Membership
CCTP Membership
The becoming a CCTP member has a wide range of benefits:
- Court access
- Cheaper coaching
- 1:1 discount voucher
- Competitive play
- Social play
Please see our CCTP Membership page for full details
Key Holder option
Key Holder option
The key holder option permits you to access the tennis courts without joining the club. It is a great deal as for only £30 per year the key holder can play singles or doubles with any of their chosen 3 nominated players - ideal is you just want to play as a family or with a couple of friends.
Please see Key Holder page for full details